


Suiet(発音は「 Sweet」)はSuiブロックチェーンで構築されています。

Suiet(発音は「 Sweet」)はSuiブロックチェーンで構築されています。

Suiet(発音は「 Sweet」)はSuiブロックチェーンで構築されています。





Sui Wallet




suiet sui wallet



Send Tokens & NFTs

Send & receive Tokens directly in your wallet with 1 click









Suiet Sui Wallet screenshot





Install Suiet now

the Sui wallet made for everyone

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Install Suiet now

the Sui wallet made for everyone

Get started


光速Sui Blockchainの肩に乗って、Suietウォレットがあなたを新しい暗号世界に導きます

Frequently asked questions

When will Suiet Sui wallet be released?

We expect to release our app in Sep 2022. You can follow us via https://twitter.com/suiet_wallet for project updates.

Is suiet sui wallet open sourced?

Yep, Suiet has been open-sourced from day one. We believe open-source our source code can help us collaborate with the Sui community and make the Suiet Wallet more secure.

What's the difference between Suiet and other wallet?

Suiet wallet is meant to be used by everyone. We will ship more user-friendly features to help everyone get a hands-on crypto wallet. Besides, Security is one of the top priorities inside Suiet team. We learned from the accident of the other wallet. And decide to secure our wallet in three aspects: 1. Fully open sourced 2. Track nothing 3. Encrypted by default

Will suiet develop mobile apps?

Sure! Mobile apps are on our roadmap. We believe with the growth of GameFi and other crypto-native apps. The demand for mobile wallets will be much higher than the browser extension. And mobile wallets can also accelerate the progress of the crypto world, acquiring the next billion users.

Frequently asked questions

When will Suiet Sui wallet be released?

We expect to release our app in Sep 2022. You can follow us via https://twitter.com/suiet_wallet for project updates.

Is suiet sui wallet open sourced?

Yep, Suiet has been open-sourced from day one. We believe open-source our source code can help us collaborate with the Sui community and make the Suiet Wallet more secure.

What's the difference between Suiet and other wallet?

Suiet wallet is meant to be used by everyone. We will ship more user-friendly features to help everyone get a hands-on crypto wallet. Besides, Security is one of the top priorities inside Suiet team. We learned from the accident of the other wallet. And decide to secure our wallet in three aspects: 1. Fully open sourced 2. Track nothing 3. Encrypted by default

Will suiet develop mobile apps?

Sure! Mobile apps are on our roadmap. We believe with the growth of GameFi and other crypto-native apps. The demand for mobile wallets will be much higher than the browser extension. And mobile wallets can also accelerate the progress of the crypto world, acquiring the next billion users.

Frequently asked questions

When will Suiet Sui wallet be released?

We expect to release our app in Sep 2022. You can follow us via https://twitter.com/suiet_wallet for project updates.

Is suiet sui wallet open sourced?

Yep, Suiet has been open-sourced from day one. We believe open-source our source code can help us collaborate with the Sui community and make the Suiet Wallet more secure.

What's the difference between Suiet and other wallet?

Suiet wallet is meant to be used by everyone. We will ship more user-friendly features to help everyone get a hands-on crypto wallet. Besides, Security is one of the top priorities inside Suiet team. We learned from the accident of the other wallet. And decide to secure our wallet in three aspects: 1. Fully open sourced 2. Track nothing 3. Encrypted by default

Will suiet develop mobile apps?

Sure! Mobile apps are on our roadmap. We believe with the growth of GameFi and other crypto-native apps. The demand for mobile wallets will be much higher than the browser extension. And mobile wallets can also accelerate the progress of the crypto world, acquiring the next billion users.


We are building Suiet across the world, designing & developing the wallet for everyone from the beginning.